Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day Sixteen in the Wilderness- Curiosity over judgement

On Saturday, I had a chance to sit in on a Southwest Kansas cluster gathering of the churches at Dodge City. It was part of Presbytery's sabbatical year of Bible study, prayer and discernment. The consultant, Larry Peers from Alban Institute, challenged us to suspend our judgement for the day and replace it instead with curiosity. I think that is good advice for our lifetime wilderness journey as well.

Certainly the Apostle Paul was curious when he travelled to Ephesus, Corinth, Galatia, Philippi and Athens and Rome and all the cultures he encountered on the way. He didn't succumb to fear but operated with a curiosity that allowed him to share the gospel by drawing alongside the people he encountered.

Curiosity has served me well in my faith journey as well. Curiosity allowed me to go on an Interfaith Trip to Israel, the Occupied Territories and Jordan 20 years ago with Joan and a group of Presbyterian pastors and last year with Christian, Jewish and Muslim friends and learn about their faiths as I became more grounded in and committed to my Presbyterian Christian faith. My faith curiosity was fed this winter as I travelled with and explored Germany with Joan, my son Stuart, daughter-in-law Megan and grandkids. And my curiosity is fed each month as I gather at Brotherhood with folks from around the world- Russia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania- and worship the Triune God.

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