Tuesday, March 23, 2010

29th Day in the Wilderness with Christ

I love drama in worship. Part of the reason I like it is that it allows us to enter viscerally into the biblical stories and even start to imagine how the people must have felt or how we would have felt if we had been there. It brings our emotions into the story. Like the times I have run down the aisle during church, to welcome the prodigal home. It is a strange feeling to be running in a Geneva preaching gown but it is helpful to remember how the father would have felt as he ran with his arms open to receieve his lost child.

I love the acting out of the Last Supper that we have done as a congregation: the Men's reenactment to the Women of Easter Play to the youth acting out the Seder Supper Passover. It is always exciting to enter into the role of disciple and start to imagine how one would have felt.

This year for Maundy Thursday we will be having our communion meal around tables with elders presiding at each table in Fellowship Hall. We will all have a chance to use our imagination to remember that first Seder Meal as it was transformed by Jesus into the communion meal we share even today.

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