Isn’t it amazing to imagine that we stand within the same community of disciples who witnessed the risen Christ on that first Easter morning! And like those disciples, Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John; we are also called to go and tell someone. Unlike those disciples, we know enough about what happens on Holy Week to actually invite our friends or our family to come with us and see this whole story unfold. If you have never been to the array of services that happen on Holy Week, I would invite you to make a commitment to walk with Jesus Christ through his last week. On Palm Sunday the children and Choir will lead the way into the sanctuary as we sing Hosanna, Loud Hosanna. The choir will sing and the Rainbow Bells will ring as we remember the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. I will be preaching on the theme “The Joy of Victory and the Agony of Defeat” as we remember that Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was the first step in his journey to the cross. On Maundy Thursday, we will gather in Fellowship Hall, just as Jesus gathered with his disciples in the Upper Room to share a communion meal around tables. Our elders will preside at each of the individual tables as we experience what it would have been like to break bread together and share this special meal in small groups. We will have the music of our Praise Team as background to this gathering and we will witness the washing of the disciples’ feet as we hear the story read from the Gospel of John.
On Good Friday we will hear the story of Jesus trial and crucifixion presented in story, music and pictures. We will imagine what it would have been like to be in the shadows during the trial of Jesus or at the foot of the cross during the crucifixion. We will come face to face with the Wondrous Love of God revealed on the Cross. And then on Sunday morning as the dawn is breaking we will gather outside as Mary and the Women did when they went to the tomb on that first Easter morning. We will hear the songs of faith and share the stories of faith as we become the people of faith. We will be fed by modern day angels (messengers of God) as the Men’s group cooks breakfast for us on Easter morning. Then we will join with the Chancel Choir and the Instrumental Ensemble “Atonement” to raise our voices in celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at our 8:30 and 11 am worship services. We will celebrate between the services with breakfast and an Easter Egg hunt for the children as we’re reminded of the mystery and new life of that first Easter morning.
Now you know the plan. What none of us knows is how God will use that plan to transform us and build up God’s kingdom.
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