"The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them." (Isaiah 11:6)
Yesterday, the second to last day of spring break, it was beautiful outside and everyone and his brother went to the zoo. And I also went to the zoo with my future grandkids, Phoenix and Gracie. I love the zoo and I'm always on the lookout for people to go with me to the zoo and Gracie and Phoenix and their mom, Brooke (Adam's fiance) were willing partners, so we went. It was amazing how close we could get to the lions and the gorillas. Only a sheet of plexiglass separated us. And I remembered this summer when I visited the Little Rock Zoo with my already grandkids, Ashton and Ethan, and we were actually in the cage with the parrots and birds. It reminded me of the Isaiah 11 passage and that we are still far from that time Isaiah spoke of and that the painter Edward Hicks painted. We can get close to creation but we are still far from being reconciled with creation. But that is my prayer, that as Ashton, Ethan, Phoenix, Gracie and Evan grow up, that they will grow up into a world that is more peaceful and in harmony between humans, animals and nature.
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