Yesterday's reading in "God's Life in Trinity" was an article on the Triune God in creation by David Kelsey: "The plot of Christian canonical stories of God's relating to reconcile estranged humankind is moved by a brokeness only God can heal and a problem only God can solve." Kelsey is saying that we can do as much as we can but in the end we are still broken. We need the reconciling presence of the Triune God in Jesus Christ to effect any real difference. This is not a case for despair but hope.
After I finished my reading and reflection for the day, I went to the grand opening of Heifer International Education Center and was excited by the efforts of Heiffer International to provide livestock for hungry people all over the world and for their effort right in Little Rock to build an office building that was energy efficient and environmentally friendly. I was also excited to see that the grand opening was begun with prayer by a group of international, interfaith youth from four different traditions. It was good to see that even a do-gooder organization like Heiffer International understood this dependance on God.
Later in the afternoon I started reading a book by Catherine Lowry LaCugna, "God for Us". She makes the point in her introduction that there is a unity in the person and the work of the Triune God. God's activity in the world is evidence of and consistent with God's loving, communal nature. The church bears witness to this Triune God who is for us.
I was inspired by my reading and reflection that I went back to the Heiffer Opening on Saturday and was impressed with the joy of the gathering as children from different cultures gathered and sang and danced together. On a day when I was celebrating my middle son, Adam's birthday, it was good to see just a glimpse of the Garden of Eden and the community of the Triune God alive and well.
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