So the graduations are over for Josh and his cousin Miles. The party and the games are also done. Today we spent loading furniture from Joan's Mom's house to take back to Kansas. One piece is an end table that Joan's dad made and will remind us of him on Father's Day. Another is a four post bed that Joan's parents got in England that reminds us of our time in England. And lastly, I got a book at the Drexel bookstore that was written by the graduation speaker Matthew Emmens, "Zenobia-The Curious Book of Business: A Tale of Triumph Over Yes-Men, Cynics, Hedgers, and Other Corporate Killjoys". As you an tell from the title, it is not serious book. It is a parable about business. It is a challenge to be creative, imaginative and daring in business. It is a cautionary tale about what happens when a business becomes too serious, stuck in its ways and fearful of failure. It is a fascinating book and only 100 pages long. Yet it sets out a profound truth in a playful way. I am hopeful that when I finally get around to writing that my book might be as interesting and accessible.
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