Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Days of Sabbatical

Where to start a Sabbatical on Trinitarian Leadership?
In the vein of the author who claimed he learned everything about life in Kindergarten, I started my sabbatical time seeing the graduation of my grandson from Kindergarten. It was exciting to hear the Principal exclaim that this group would be the class of 2021. And it was great to connect with family.
In addition to kindergarteners, I have also been reading Miroslav Volf's book "God's Life in Trinity", Shirley Guthrie's "Always Being Reformed" and Alan Torrance's "Persons in Communion". I have even started to put some ideas into the computer. Some key ideas about leadership that are emerging are integrity, community, and unity.
Also, check out the new Presbyterian leadership web resource- The Presbyterian
In the continuing spirit of family and Trinity, I will be going to see my son run a Triathalon on Sunday.

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