On Sunday I had the privilege of witnessing my grandson, Evans' baptism into a community in which he is loved and cared for and nurtured in faith. It was wonderful on my sabbatical where I have studied and reflected and written on the Trinity to hear those words "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" and to know that the love that is lived out in the Trinity is indeed reflected in the faith community where my son and daughter-in-law worship and live out their faith.

I saw that love lived out in the tearful sharing of the pastor as she spoke the words of baptism. I saw that unconditional love reflected as the pastor put her hand in the water of the baptismal font to pronounce a blessing on the water and Ethan followed suit and it was ok. I saw the love lived out as people came up to Megan and Stuart and the whole family and shared how much they enjoyed and loved the family.

Of course it was a bitter sweet moment for the congregation because even as they were baptizing and celebrating Evan's welcome into the body of Christ, they were also aware that Stuart and Megan had received orders to be transfered to Germany in the fall. So as the congregation was welcoming the newest member of Christ's family, they were also starting to say goodbye to this family who had grown up in their midst. The pastor and educator (in the children's message) both helped us realize that even as this local congregation was speaking vows to nurture and raise this child in a Christian community, that they were in fact speaking and vowing on behalf of the whole Christian community, even as far away as Germany.

As I have been studying and reflecting on the Trinity this summer, I have been struck by the love that is within the Trinity- love of the Father for the Son and the Son for the Father through the Holy Spirit. Dan Migliore, who spoke at Covenant last fall, made the same point when he said, "We are called to reflect God's life in communion, called to become a real if always fragmentary and incomplete witness to and participant in the life of the Triune God, who is Love". I think I witnessed that fragmentary and incomplete, yet wonderful reflection of the God's triune love last Sunday.
How wonderful to read of Evan's baptism and see the pictures. I especially love the one of Evan's blissful look at the minister.
You have certainly had a full, rich time of sabbitical and sharing of all that will be a blessing to your parishoners.
Love, peace and joy,
Your blog looks so much better than mine; I really like it.
I enjoyed the post on Ash Wednesday. Linda and I couldn't attend that service and I was very glad to have at least a glimpse of what you shared about this time of the Christian calendar.
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