Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Class Two of "The Geography of God"

Session Two Study Guide for “Geography of God” by Michael Lindvall
Prepared for First Presbyterian Church by Rev Rob Erickson
Session Two- The Way
Read scripture and look and listen for the Trinity:
Genesis 1:1-5 and John 1:1-5- The Story of Creation
Matthew 3:13-17- The baptism of Jesus
Luke 23:46- The Crucifixion of Christ

Chapter 6 “Beside Yourself: I believe in God”
Think about the world with us at the center of it (pg. 26 in Geography). What does that world look like to you? What happens if we take ourselves out of the center and put God in the center? Read Matthew 16:24-25
When we think of God as Father, “Abba” what attributes of God do we think about?

Chapter 7 “Specifically Spiritual: I believe in Jesus Christ”
What are the influences on “that little voice” within us that helps us identify right from wrong? (See page 30 in Geography “My faith has carried me a long was. It’s Sheilaism. Just my own little voice.)
What does the “incarnation” mean to you? God “in the flesh”. What difference does it make?
Think of the word “Atonement” as “At-one-ment”. Review the atonement theories: 1) Forgiveness or “Substitution Theory of Atonement- Anselm; 2) Inspiration or “Moral Influence Theory”- Abelard; 3) Revelation- “I am the way the truth and the life”

Chapter 8 “Present Tense Divinity: I believe in the Holy Spirit”

The Hebrew word for Spirit, breath and wind is the word “Ruach”. The Greek word for Spirit is “Pneumas”. What do we know about God who is described as spirit, wind and breath? What do we know about God whose name is synonymous with power?
Read John 14: 25-27 (Jesus introduces the Holy Spirit); Acts 2:1-4 (The Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples in Pentecost); Matthew 4:1 (The Spirit drives Jesus into the wilderness after his baptism to be tempted.)
What do you think about Lindvall’s notion that the Holy Spirit is “The Present Tense of God”

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